Booking Policies

Cancellation Policy:

Bookings are secured with a reservation deposit ($30 for standard and river canoes, $40 for ultralights). This deposit is non-refundable 5 days after your booking. The deposit counts towards the total cost of the canoe rental. When a booking is made renter(s) agree to the following cancellation policy:

Cancellation 10 days prior to trip - no extra charge

Cancellation 5 to 9 days prior to trip - $50 charge

Cancellation within 1-5 days of trip - 50% of rental cost

No show without any notice - Full rental cost

Booking Deposit: A non-refundable deposit is required to secure a booking ($30 for standard and river canoes, $40 for ultralights). This counts towards the total cost of your rental. If the requested reservation dates are not available, the booking deposit will be fully refunded.

Damage Deposit:

Upon pickup the total rental cost will be due plus a fully-refundable $250 damage deposit for each canoe.

Late and After-Hour Fees:

After hours are before 7AM and after 9PM. Unless a prior agreement is made, drop offs and pickups outside these times are an additional $15.

Rentals returns between 10:30PM and 7AM will be charged for an additional day.

Late canoe returns will be charged $75/day unless prior arrangements are made. We do try to be as flexible as possible when unforeseen circumstances happen - or sometimes you might just need a few more days in the wild! Communicate with us as best as possible when you know a trip might go later and we will do our best to accommodate.

Picking up Canoes:

Upon pickup - We will have a rental form to sign and assist with loading.

Address of pickup is given after the booking deposit is received (we rent from a home location and do not provide it until people have secured a booking) - The postal code is L8L 5V7 for mapping.

If you have any questions please feel free to email

Happy Paddling!


Loading a Canoe onto Your Car